Sunday, July 14, 2024

Young adults/teenagers & Technology

   Technology has taken a toll on this younger generation. Technology has been used for so many activities! Rather you use your phone to read books or play games or look up political news. Your phone or any technology are advancing rapidly. Allowing technology to be more effective and reliable over the years. I know for the past few 3 days (72 hours), my daily screen time was 6h and 35m. Personally I don’t think it’s too bad, when we do have 24 hours in a day and only 6 hours I get on my phone. But even the hours when I don’t get on my phone, I’m still around technology but just off my phone. In these past few days my screen time usage went mainly to TikTok, audible, and messages. I don’t think my screen time is too bad because of how many hours I would usually spend if I didn’t have school work or work. 


   As long as screen timing isn’t  being used to look up inappropriate things or useless knowledge, as a young adult. Then it’s okay to use your phone or whatever technology you have around your house. Especially when it’s useful for yourself. Technology has advanced in so many ways, that people can even make money online.I don’t think technology is as bad as people make it seem, as long as you use it for the right reason. Many people think technology is like a drug but I don’t think it becomes a drug until you are taking advantage of social media and using it for things that won’t benefit you. See you could be on social media for hours straight on big you could be teaching yourself Spanish and then you could be on social media for hours and just on TikTok. Well if you’re on social media trying to learn Spanish than just casually schooling on TikTok. You would find yourself benefiting off of learning Spanish then being on TikTok. Technology may have its Pros and Cons but as young adult we could use technology for our benefit than just being lazy scrolling on social media platforms, gaining useless knowledge. 

  During these 3 days, unfortunately I didn’t spend to much time taking in political commentary besides the fact that of me wanting to gaining knowledge about Donald Trump getting shot at and why it happen. But besides that I do spend time mainly just listening to my book on audible  or scrolling on TikTok or just constantly looking up anything I find curious about on Safari. 

  The time I spend on technology can vary when it comes to technology impacting my concentration and productivity. I do find myself procrastinating if I let social consume all my day and some days I see my self being productive and getting things done but personally in my daily life I do believe of having a balance. I believes it all about doing things in moderation and when I do things in moderation, I’m not consuming too little of anything nor am I consuming too much of anything. Just doing everything in balance. I’m also good at multi- tasking. So when I’m cleaning my apartment, I  listen to my audible. So when it comes to me have a productive day, it honestly varies. I just let the useful things I do social media have a hold of my concentration throughout the day. 

   Finding out about how much of my daily usage I spend on social media doesn’t make a less difference in my behaviors. Doing this writing in technology is not the only time I have check on my screen time before. I would like to  get it down to at least 4 hours a day and focus on investments in my life and also how to elevate my life as well. But it’s easier to be said than done. That’s why it’s good to just do things instead of saying it and then just get up caught up on social media platforms that won’t give you the skills in life to succeed. I could act in a way of doing things that will make my life easier than to just be sitting around and not getting things, that I know that needs to be done. 

   Overall, when it comes to detoxing yourself from social media, it always beneficial for one, especially someone who is always found in there phone instead of the real world. Being off your phone and enjoying the people and things around is much better. I personally do need a detox from social media, I mean why not. Just a day or a few days, staying off of social media and just focusing on things that actually matter. Allow yourself to look at things in a different light and mind set. So yes I do think I need a detox from social media . 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Role of Citizens


The role of citizens in making public policy is a fundamental question of democratic governance. In a democracy, it is required that the government represent the people; hence, the public policies, ideally, should reflect the ideologies and opinions of voters. It raises the question, however, whether policy-making needs to be left exclusively to public officials who possess the necessary expertise and broader perspective or if citizens ought to have a more direct role. This essay will thus balance citizen participation against oversight of public officials during the policymaking process by arguing that a collaborative approach is needed to ensure policies are representative and informed.

Democratic governance is founded on the basis that the government ought to reflect the will and interest of its people. The tenet holds that public policy has to be an assemblage of ideologies and opinions of citizens. According to Nabatchi and Leighninger (2015), active participation by citizens is a hallmark of a healthy democracy. Such citizen participation could be done through voting, public consultations, town hall meetings, and engagement in civil society organizations in this context. By doing so, policies are based on the needs and values that citizens uphold, and the legitimacy and acceptance of those policies are therefore increased among them. Citizen participation offers opportunities for diversity in perspectives to merge into policy making. It ensures that the voices of marginalized and underrepresented groups are heard, leading to more equitable and inclusive policies. This inclusive approach is very important for dealing with elusive social issues with varying impacts on different segments of the population. Second, it encourages feelings of ownership and responsibility among the population, which in turn may result in increased public support and compliance with policies.

While that is important, citizen involvement requires the assistance of public officials with specialized knowledge and expertise in modern governance. All data, expert opinions, and broader perspectives flow through public officials to make informed decisions. According to Dryzek and Pickering (2017), public officials are instrumental in synthesizing public opinion with expert advice so that policies reflect not only popular sentiment but also empirically grounded and characterized by strategic foresight.

Answering the complex challenges of today's societies rests within the realm of informed decision-making by public officials. Few have deep scientific, economic, or social insight into the dynamics at work—be it the science behind climate change, refusal strategies for tobacco control in public health, or changes in society concerning economic inequality. Only public officials have experience, and thus access to resources, that could help derivate solutions to these complexities. However, it does not mean citizens cannot contribute to this process. Instead, their input should be incorporated with expert analysis in an initiative to draft well-rounded and effective policies.

Public officials must balance several interests, including minority and future-generation concerns. This often demands a paternalistic approach toward policymaking that sometimes takes unpopular decisions in the short term for its long-term good. The deliberative democracy approach also speaks to this idea: as much as one might want decision-making developed through reasoned debate, considering the broader implications of what is being done is equally important (Nabatchi & Leighninger, 2015). Balancing interests involves looking at trade-offs and possible consequences that different policy alternatives can entail. Public officials have to weigh the immediate desires of an electorate against the long-term goals and needs of future generations. This includes nuanced social dynamics and the ability to forecast challenges that may arise in the future. Although this sometimes clashes with short-term public opinion, it forms part of the requirements for sustainable and forward-looking governance.

Provided that participation by citizens is to be meaningful, then the public must be informed. Education campaigns and advocacy groups are essential in raising awareness and promoting informed public debate. In ensuring that there is the total involvement of an educated citizenry, valuable insights, and perspectives can be contributed to the policy decision-making process, which otherwise would be provided. These efforts give closure to expert knowledge and public opinion, catalyzing a more inclusive and participatory governance model. According to Nabatchi and Leighninger (2015), education and advocacy are central empowerment processes that should enable the effective participation of citizens in the policymaking process. The educational initiatives will equip the citizens with the necessary knowledge and competencies to allow them to understand complex policy issues and engage in meaningful discourse. On the other hand, advocacy groups are formed to represent communities with special interests and spotlight issues that might need more attention from policymakers. All these efforts combined can constitute a constituency of well-informed citizens who will be able to aid in the making of effective and fair policies.

In conclusion, this makes the question of whether public policy ought to reflect ideologies and opinions from voters or be left entirely to public officials not susceptible to a simple answer. Ideally, public policy should reflect the values and needs of citizens; however, it is also the case that the breadth of view among public officials on specialist expertise is indispensable in crafting effective and sustainable policies. A collaborative approach that respects the insights of citizens and is guided by the informed judgment of public officials can produce representative and more effective governance. Democratic principles can be balanced with the need for informed decision-making, transparency, and accountability in public policies for solutions that work in the best interest of all.




Dryzek, J. S., & Pickering, J. (2017). The Politics of the Anthropocene. Oxford University Press.

Nabatchi, T., & Leighninger, M. (2015). Public participation for 21st-century democracy. John Wiley & Sons.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Black American Black Man

 Currently, media in modern society shape our perceptions and beliefs. However, when

it comes to the representation of Black Americans, especially black men, the consequences

are severe and can lead to many ramifications. Media representations determine the

perceptions of society, either promoting acceptance or furthering misconceptions.

Historically, Black men in America have been presented by the media using various methods

and techniques of portrayal, most of which have been negative. Below is the objectification

of black men in the movies right from the black-and-white cinema period. This trend is also

evident today, where media such as television, news programs, and movies almost always

depict the black man as an aggressor. These representations help to cultivate environments of

having a perception of fear and anxiety in whites through strengthening biases and


According to Kumah-Abiwu (2020), media gatekeepers have a central function in

deciding which messages get amplified and how these messages will be packaged. Those

who control the access to such resources are white and of a different race than the people they

are excluding and, therefore, have implicit bias. Hence, stories that tend to portray the darker

side of black societies are most likely to be aired and published. This negative portrayal

causes Black male subjects to be seen through the lens of criminality and potential threats

instead of concentrating on their positive contributions.

For example, when news programs constantly portray Black men as responsible for

criminal activities, the masses are fed with this information and begin to judge all Black men

as potential criminals. Race plays a special role in the presentation of crimes, for when a

criminal is a Black man, then his criminal actions are highlighted and reported more actively

than those of the white man. Such a difference in the coverage of stories further extends the

stereotype of Black males as creators of violence and danger, which is a synthesis of the

climate of fear among the white audience.

A crucial influence in fostering these perceptions is popular culture. In TV shows and

movies, conventional methods are adopted in narrating the stories, and Black men are always

assigned roles that are degrading and depict them in negative images. For instance, the thug

character is something that is often provided in full measure in Hollywood productions.

These characters are commonly portrayed as criminals and are aggressive and kill people

without any remorse or concern for the consequences of their actions or the law. While these

are characters that are literary and are not real, they do make a huge difference when it comes

to how society judges black men.

According to Rizzo (2024), these unfair representations argue that the Black Arts

Movement played a crucial in countering such negative portrayals. Specifically, the Black

Arts Movement aimed to give blacks a proper portrayal in media to fight against the

stereotypes that mainstream media portrays. However, even with these initiatives, the popular

culture paradigms remain rather largely unaltered. Consequently, the negative representations

implicit in these discourses are not only internalized by Black men from the perspective of

the white other but also from their point of view. Racialization is cyclical, whereby non-

whites are portrayed as dangerous or inferior, and hence, it affects self-image and personality.

This climate of fear and anxiety leads to threats to real-world situations, as seen in the

following instance. Stereotyping, which is fuelled by the media, has various and real-life

manifestations, for example, in the criminal justice where a Black race is depicted in a

specific manner. Black males experience increasing police interaction encounters and arrest

rates and are being imposed with more severe penalties than their white male counterparts.

This does contribute so much to the feeling of fear and anxiety extended to the blacks by the

media, hence creating such horrifying incidents as the shooting of black men of color who

have not embraced the use of guns by the police.

Furthermore, such generalization impacts economic and social opportunities for Black

men because they cannot pursue some opportunities due to the stereotype. This injustice is a

clear disservice to Black men as they instantly become unworthy of the employers’ attention

due to their unspoken agreement with the media. This results in high levels of unemployment

and staggering economic inequality. It also hinders social relations with other people as white

people feel more threatened by Black men, additionally creating social isolation. Therefore,

media gatekeepers must realize their part in reinforcing such images and redouble efforts to

provide better depictions. This means focusing on the positive images of Black men, the

successes of Black men, and the portrayal of the positives that Black men bring to society.

They must ensure that those who are in the position to change the perception are diverse.

Moreover, it is high time the creators of popular culture ceased using inherently

reductive stereotypes and increased the use of characters with multiple attributes. Black men

must be depicted in different roles that demonstrate true experiences and identities to their

contemporary lives, not just the stereotyped. As media depictions of Blacks continue to play a

major role in shaping perceptions about Black men, and when people see positive portrayals

of Black men in the media, some of the predictors of fear and anxiety could be overcome.

Negative perceptions have, therefore, been created by those who control the media

and its contents through selective reporting and representation, stereotypes without presenting

balanced views that portray blacks in a positive light. To alter the prevailing narrative, one

needs to fight for a better representation and depiction of Black men to embrace and

appreciate their positive attributes and recognize their humanity. This helps dismantle fear

and anxiety, hence establishing a society of justice and an equitable society.


Kumah-Abiwu, F. (2020). Media gatekeeping and portrayal of Black men in America. The

Journal of Men’s Studies, 28(1), 64-81.

Rizzo, M. (2024). Black Arts Cities.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Citizens being involved with public policies

Citizens should have input when it comes to problems that the public are faced with. Public policy should reflect the ideologies and opinions of voters because if public policy is the way governments address problems that affect the public and citizens, then citizens could help solve some of the issues. Public policy is a set of elements that are like laws, regulations, guidelines, and actions to solve a real-world problem. The government does a lot now and could base some laws and regulations that are for the public by using some opinions from the citizens. Afterall the citizens are the one who must live by the regulations, laws, and guidelines. 


Citizens have a lot of knowledge living in society to know how to solve a lot of the issues that are faced with every day. The public may not be able to directly make the laws and guidelines, but the government can use opinions and ideologies of voters to help create the public policy. In an article name “What Role for Citizens in Developing and Implementing Public Policy? Part 1” by Richard Curtain, he states Citizens are also now more capable than ever of engaging in policy making. As has been noted in relation to Canadian citizenry, they are better educated, more diverse, and less deferential than any previous generation. Citizens can play a role that is beneficial for the government, without being biased but understanding that public policy does not just affect one person but everyone. Curtain also states in his article that “Citizen participation can play an education role, by proving an opportunity to explain an issue in more details and to propose alternative options.” Involving citizens in public policy can result in a better way of solving public issues. 


Public policy is what makes up for how the government regulates public issues. Each day the government is faced with more public issues and that is why there are guidelines, laws, and regulations to solve the issues, so citizens can live a more comfortable lifestyle and less chaos for everyone. Well with the help of citizens' opinions and ideologies then a good change could be made in how the government solves public issues. In a journal article name “Citizen Participation in Decision Making: Is It Worth the Effort?” by Renée A. Irvin and John Stansbury, it states “With citizen participation, formulated policies might be more realistically grounded in citizen preferences, the public might become more sympathetic evaluators of the tough decisions that government administrators have to make, and the improved support from the public might create a less divisive, combative populace to govern and regulate. Involving citizens in public policy results in less disagreements and hostility between the government and citizens.  


Pushing for citizens' involvement with public policy is something that individuals see as an opportunity to play a role in how and what guidelines, regulations, and laws the governments make with citizens opinions and ideologies. Throughout the 1900s, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pushed for national and regional enchantments in environmental making because of the goal of wanting to improve community relations. This led to a citizen participation program being launched in 1950. Stansbury states that “At all levels of government Citizen participation programs have been launched since the 1950s (Day 1997), with the underlying assumption that if citizens become actively involved as participants in their democracy the government that emerges from this process will be more democratic and more effective.” Programs being launched for citizens to voice their opinions on public policies show how important citizens being able to play a role in public policies is important.  

In conclusion, everyday issues are governed by the government, such as the laws that are set from the guidelines we must follow when going to certain places. In all citizens of America should play a role rather its small or big to solve issues that need to be solved, which leads to less chaos for everyone. Public opinions on issues can be involved if they fit the government guidelines and regulations. Involving citizens does not have to be chaos, it can lead to an outcome for the government and the individuals getting along. After all the citizens must follow whatever, the government set in stone, so citizens should be able to have a say so publicly and have a role of being able to voice their opinions and ideologies.



Young adults/teenagers & Technology

   Technology has taken a toll on this younger generation. Technology has been used for so many activities! Rather you use your phone to rea...