Sunday, July 14, 2024

Young adults/teenagers & Technology

   Technology has taken a toll on this younger generation. Technology has been used for so many activities! Rather you use your phone to read books or play games or look up political news. Your phone or any technology are advancing rapidly. Allowing technology to be more effective and reliable over the years. I know for the past few 3 days (72 hours), my daily screen time was 6h and 35m. Personally I don’t think it’s too bad, when we do have 24 hours in a day and only 6 hours I get on my phone. But even the hours when I don’t get on my phone, I’m still around technology but just off my phone. In these past few days my screen time usage went mainly to TikTok, audible, and messages. I don’t think my screen time is too bad because of how many hours I would usually spend if I didn’t have school work or work. 


   As long as screen timing isn’t  being used to look up inappropriate things or useless knowledge, as a young adult. Then it’s okay to use your phone or whatever technology you have around your house. Especially when it’s useful for yourself. Technology has advanced in so many ways, that people can even make money online.I don’t think technology is as bad as people make it seem, as long as you use it for the right reason. Many people think technology is like a drug but I don’t think it becomes a drug until you are taking advantage of social media and using it for things that won’t benefit you. See you could be on social media for hours straight on big you could be teaching yourself Spanish and then you could be on social media for hours and just on TikTok. Well if you’re on social media trying to learn Spanish than just casually schooling on TikTok. You would find yourself benefiting off of learning Spanish then being on TikTok. Technology may have its Pros and Cons but as young adult we could use technology for our benefit than just being lazy scrolling on social media platforms, gaining useless knowledge. 

  During these 3 days, unfortunately I didn’t spend to much time taking in political commentary besides the fact that of me wanting to gaining knowledge about Donald Trump getting shot at and why it happen. But besides that I do spend time mainly just listening to my book on audible  or scrolling on TikTok or just constantly looking up anything I find curious about on Safari. 

  The time I spend on technology can vary when it comes to technology impacting my concentration and productivity. I do find myself procrastinating if I let social consume all my day and some days I see my self being productive and getting things done but personally in my daily life I do believe of having a balance. I believes it all about doing things in moderation and when I do things in moderation, I’m not consuming too little of anything nor am I consuming too much of anything. Just doing everything in balance. I’m also good at multi- tasking. So when I’m cleaning my apartment, I  listen to my audible. So when it comes to me have a productive day, it honestly varies. I just let the useful things I do social media have a hold of my concentration throughout the day. 

   Finding out about how much of my daily usage I spend on social media doesn’t make a less difference in my behaviors. Doing this writing in technology is not the only time I have check on my screen time before. I would like to  get it down to at least 4 hours a day and focus on investments in my life and also how to elevate my life as well. But it’s easier to be said than done. That’s why it’s good to just do things instead of saying it and then just get up caught up on social media platforms that won’t give you the skills in life to succeed. I could act in a way of doing things that will make my life easier than to just be sitting around and not getting things, that I know that needs to be done. 

   Overall, when it comes to detoxing yourself from social media, it always beneficial for one, especially someone who is always found in there phone instead of the real world. Being off your phone and enjoying the people and things around is much better. I personally do need a detox from social media, I mean why not. Just a day or a few days, staying off of social media and just focusing on things that actually matter. Allow yourself to look at things in a different light and mind set. So yes I do think I need a detox from social media . 

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Young adults/teenagers & Technology

   Technology has taken a toll on this younger generation. Technology has been used for so many activities! Rather you use your phone to rea...