Monday, May 27, 2024

Citizens being involved with public policies

Citizens should have input when it comes to problems that the public are faced with. Public policy should reflect the ideologies and opinions of voters because if public policy is the way governments address problems that affect the public and citizens, then citizens could help solve some of the issues. Public policy is a set of elements that are like laws, regulations, guidelines, and actions to solve a real-world problem. The government does a lot now and could base some laws and regulations that are for the public by using some opinions from the citizens. Afterall the citizens are the one who must live by the regulations, laws, and guidelines. 


Citizens have a lot of knowledge living in society to know how to solve a lot of the issues that are faced with every day. The public may not be able to directly make the laws and guidelines, but the government can use opinions and ideologies of voters to help create the public policy. In an article name “What Role for Citizens in Developing and Implementing Public Policy? Part 1” by Richard Curtain, he states Citizens are also now more capable than ever of engaging in policy making. As has been noted in relation to Canadian citizenry, they are better educated, more diverse, and less deferential than any previous generation. Citizens can play a role that is beneficial for the government, without being biased but understanding that public policy does not just affect one person but everyone. Curtain also states in his article that “Citizen participation can play an education role, by proving an opportunity to explain an issue in more details and to propose alternative options.” Involving citizens in public policy can result in a better way of solving public issues. 


Public policy is what makes up for how the government regulates public issues. Each day the government is faced with more public issues and that is why there are guidelines, laws, and regulations to solve the issues, so citizens can live a more comfortable lifestyle and less chaos for everyone. Well with the help of citizens' opinions and ideologies then a good change could be made in how the government solves public issues. In a journal article name “Citizen Participation in Decision Making: Is It Worth the Effort?” by Renée A. Irvin and John Stansbury, it states “With citizen participation, formulated policies might be more realistically grounded in citizen preferences, the public might become more sympathetic evaluators of the tough decisions that government administrators have to make, and the improved support from the public might create a less divisive, combative populace to govern and regulate. Involving citizens in public policy results in less disagreements and hostility between the government and citizens.  


Pushing for citizens' involvement with public policy is something that individuals see as an opportunity to play a role in how and what guidelines, regulations, and laws the governments make with citizens opinions and ideologies. Throughout the 1900s, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pushed for national and regional enchantments in environmental making because of the goal of wanting to improve community relations. This led to a citizen participation program being launched in 1950. Stansbury states that “At all levels of government Citizen participation programs have been launched since the 1950s (Day 1997), with the underlying assumption that if citizens become actively involved as participants in their democracy the government that emerges from this process will be more democratic and more effective.” Programs being launched for citizens to voice their opinions on public policies show how important citizens being able to play a role in public policies is important.  

In conclusion, everyday issues are governed by the government, such as the laws that are set from the guidelines we must follow when going to certain places. In all citizens of America should play a role rather its small or big to solve issues that need to be solved, which leads to less chaos for everyone. Public opinions on issues can be involved if they fit the government guidelines and regulations. Involving citizens does not have to be chaos, it can lead to an outcome for the government and the individuals getting along. After all the citizens must follow whatever, the government set in stone, so citizens should be able to have a say so publicly and have a role of being able to voice their opinions and ideologies.



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