If I was a mayor or other local elected asked about an issue that we should focus more on. It would be donating to the homeless and giving the people in need more opportunity to have a shelter, food in their belly and clothes on their back. I would convince other people that donating to the homeless and giving people in need a shelter, food in their bellies and clothes on their back is important by explaining how effective it would be to help people who are unfortunate than others.
Everyone goes through things, so why not help another who is struggling. Keeping people off the streets ensure a more safety environment for each other. Alot of people are greedy with what they have and should lead a helping hand for people who actually need it. We as people see so many homeless people a day, sleeping on the ground, begging for food and asking for money. We don't know their situation and as people we should be kind to one another. There is homeless on the street for various reason and sometimes it the lack of help the city provide them with. For instance, after Covid a lot of families lost their home and job, which caused them to be homeless. With the lack of resources, they had in their city caused them to never get back on their feet but there is so much that a mayor of a city or local elected could do to step up and supply more help for those in need.
It's an issue that is overlooked because people are comfortable with their living space and aren't struggling but at any given moment that could be anyone struggling on the streets and don't have no shelter, clothes on their back or food in their belly. Instead of ignoring the issue of other induvial who are homeless or poor, we should have sympathy and want to help because why not as a mayor or local elected who wants to create a safer environment for everyone. Donations could be done to help out and programs could be funded more money to help out with the homeless. So much money is getting wasted in other things, when it could be thrown into donations and programs for people in need. Food is even being wasted in grocery stores because they have to buy it in certain number of days and the food don't even be expired. That food that is being wasted could be given to the homeless and do food drives with. Clothes for the homeless could be solved by induvial in that city donating clothes they no longer need, instead of throwing it away.
As a mayor or local elected, we could ensure a better environment for the people of the city by also including the people of the city to help out. How a city is kept safe and clean does also depends on the people of the city and how they take care of it. There could be meeting held in the city to discuss how one another could help with people in need. Rather it is giving away their food they no longer need in their homes or clothes they no longer need in their homes to the homeless. All these things contribute to a helping hand to people who are less fortunate than others, while also aiming for a safe, clean and caring city.
All in all, change can start with a step of a helping hand. It doesn't have to selfish people in the city just walking pass poor or homeless people on the street because they are comfortable with what they have, and they are not struggling or homeless instead make a change. The bare minimum can come a long way and the bare minimum does matter when leading a helping hand. Donations and programs could be done, and it doesn't have to be big but instead of wasting things that could be beneficial to the next let go to waste, it could be given to less fortunate people in the city. Let change begin in your city when it comes to helping the homeless or people in need.
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